Sunday, November 6, 2005

Prices For Ukooa Medical# Diversity and Human Development. Ideas for the measurement of equity.

electronic version of paper prepared for the Human Development Report of Venezuela.
working paper under the UNDP project VEN/02/001

the document can be "dropped" in PDF at the following LINK: / 4Diversidad.pdf

Diversity and Human Development. Ideas for measuring equity .

conceptual and methodological analysis of diversity, equity and social integration from the perspective of human development.

iten the appropriate access and processing of data references.

The 4 proposed conceptual lines revolve around the following concepts: Diversity, Inequality, Measurement of Equity and Proposals for Social Integration. In the first one "Diversity" would address the study and characterization of the different "groups" in the country, trying to build relatively homogeneous groups of living conditions on the basis of certain constituent variables such as sex , age, social class and geographical location trying to accountnces. Human Development located primarily the problem of "meaning" in the center of development, it seeks to complement economic progress or mitigate some perverse effects resulting from growing inequality in societies. Human development is fundamentally "cultural development" while expanding the capabilities of individuals freely given culture to acquire a lifestyle

privileged as valuable, economic growth and accumulation are only tools necessary but not sufficient for this purpose.

CHTMLervable additionally the mere display of inequalities yields few clues about the priority intervention areas for policy development.

The approach that intends to address is the concept of "equity", while expression of "inequality that is unacceptable", a notion that presupposes that all human beings are equal in both their capabilities, thus opening the possibility of consideration of equalities and inequalities unjust just, CHT (The concepts described in this section basically follow the line of argument raised in: Jean Yves Duclos, Poverty and Equity: Measurement, Policy and Estimation, Laval, Canada, Oct-2002)

Among the approaches that have emerged from the concept of "working" formulated by A. Sen is possible to distinguish clearly two different developments: focus on the needs and capabilities developed by the same Sen. Both approaches, though not in the same way,

based on the concept of "working" as it is defined by Senas

" Life can be considered as a set of" functionings "interrelated, consisting of states and actions (being and doing). The conduct of a person can be understood as the vector of their performances ..... runs are constitutive of a person's status and well-being assessment must include an estimate of

these building blocks' ( Sen, 1995, p.53) distance here is clearly marked with the visions "utilitarian" which focuses on problems in access to certain goods and services, usualmenyou measurable through online methods such as income, based on the sole basis of market access and ignoring both public goods and the enjoyment of another class of "non-marketable goods" such as security, freedom, peace, etc.. The approach needs is a step forward to provide a range of "elements" that individuals required to run their operations

. Within this approach the basic needs and would be referred to as "the minimum amount required for such things as food, health, water, etc. that are necessary for human life "(Streeten, 1981). The performances, which probably can be described as universalrvices through measures such as Gini, Hoover, entropy coefficients, etc.

In the lines that follow, and without any attempt to resolve any problems involving measurement concepts mentioned here, we will collect some ideas that can guide around methodological approach necessary for a measurement of equity in the above context.

1st step ... From Diversity to describe what we are. CHr-instrumental physical activity at least under universal rationality assumptions, facing as Sen has emphasized the issue of diversity among humans, and if the measure seeks to explain further expressed in the capability approach should necessarily emphasize the inevitable consequence of diversity: the freedom of choice, to choose between performances considered valuable.

Therefore we must

from the description of our differences but, as Sen points out.
"It is reasonable to think that if we try to take note of all ours diversity, we could end up in a total mess of confusion empirical. To be practical we must be sensible and put aside some of our diversity while

we focus on the most important ...... general analysis of inequality ... should aim to focus attention to variations between groups "(Sen., 1995, p. 135)

The identification of these" clusters "in both archetypal expressions of human diversity, on which express the inequalities (or which "recognize" different "pars"), is far from being a tSubject is the idea. "(Touraine, 1997).

Therefore, one of the first tasks to be addressed in determining what would be the foundations on which is relevant to draw these groups, in other words, what will be considered as "constituent variables" on which will make the different groups to be defined. Note that there is the making of groups that meet at least two basic conditions about the values of the variables observed by individuals for their affiliation-membership to a certain group. The first one refers to the factrior) is crucial for analyzing inequality. "(Sen, 1995, p. 33)

We must therefore address the question of selection of" areas "in inequality which is expressed as Sen repeatedly points out, equity in a given field is not necessarily reflected in the equality in other areas. The approach proposed here, as we have seen, the definition of social groups with similar characteristics once defined these groups go to see the differences they have in certain areas, seeking to intentionally break the sectoral vision of the problem of inequality which tends to haveCernos believe they are the same individuals always with the same shortcomings, which does not allow viewing in areas where disparities are more acute, often invisible
progress made by certain human groups, and this may is the most important, it is of little use to policymakers with a comprehensive view of the problems. So what is proposed is the construction

"profiling" of inequality based on the definition of human groups with similar characteristics which additionally can be "localized" in a particular territory and / or "defined" in terms of their attachment to certain property. This isto become the second product

the proposal presented.

Often in such studies the emphasis is on measuring the "distance" between the different groups defined as an expression of inequality. It is proposed not limited to the quantification of inequalities outgroup, but also include the measurement of intra-group distances. In the first case we are talking about "inequality" between people with different attributes, in the second case is expressed in person with similar characteristics, which as later work has implications concartado will be outlining a number of possible product-development results.

Indeed the notion of "capacity" as it has been defined as a reflection of the freedom of individuals, can not be reduced to "needs" (elements required for run operations), without exposing us to loose its explanatory-understanding. Claiming that "We know that NBI includes six performances" (UNDP-OCEI, 2001) or "We understand the weaknesses and failures of basic skills such as scarce resources, unmet needs or processes disqualification." (UNDP-OCEI, 2001) is a valuable resource as a ruseDraft Conceptual Approach to Human Development Report 2003-2004, "the capacity is a derived notion reflecting various combinations of several embodiments of a person. All alternative combinations of outputs that a person can choose, are the "freedom" of that person. "

Therefore according to the research suggested here is possible from the needs assessment as "the necessary elements for perform certain operations, consequently focusing on both the supply and commodity availability andor collects prescedente methodological alternatives that have been outlined for the measurement within the capabilities approach, in effect as it collects as Chiappero Martinetti Enrica:

" Sen (1985.1992, 1993, 1994) suggests three different procedures for the assessment of skill sets: 1 ) by all the options open to the person, 2) For the option chosen to act;

3) for the evaluated option as most precious of all abilities. (Chiappero, 2000. Translation own)

Notice how in the approach is of fundamental importance to the issue of freedom of choice of the person, if the assessment is retringe the second and third procedures, as rightly noted by Chiappero, the issue of the possibilities to exercise freedom of choice would be absent. We would move on common ground still needs to

MLXC this approach does not lead to the acquisition by both measures by themselves are able to evaluate the "welfare" of the people but instead it comes to getting a grasp of the possibilities for understanding human development by contrast between the options and choices, as Sen says:

"The capacity method can used with a focus on the options that a person - given by the set of capacity or a combination of OPERA an array of opportunities, potential, achievements and aspirations of different groups of people in Venezuela, which

likeness of a "social mapping", east and allowing the formulation of policies and social programs.

recap the points made so far, it is based on the human

diversity, expressed through the construction of relatively homogeneous groups of people according to sociologically revealing certain characteristics, and observation both internally and to external

these groups of inequalities in some areas considered pertinent from the point of view of development policy, to try to determine which are "real opportunities" and the valuations that individuals give different options in order to establish set of capabilities which should be encouraged to obtain a level of completion consistent with the purpose of human development.

Therefore, we must address the issue of measurement options, both in its availability and potential use as in his assessment, what options are available to whom?, "Qui HTMLXC

"Traditionally, the identification of explanatory factors and characteristics of poverty was based quantitative research based on household surveys, a method strongly linked with a focus on poverty based on lack of income. Recently, several institutions are exploring poverty and lack of welfare from qualitative studies that seek the same groups of poor characterize their situation and identify the factors and causes that tend to perpetuate their living conditions. Beyond the importance of consultations with the poor themselves about their situation, this implies a major shift in their focus, as reflectedDelia)

From the point of view of measurement as we said

Philip B. Coulter

, Inequality is the deviation of an observed distribution with respect to a reference distribution defined, inequality is an inequality for which the reference distribution is defined as A i

/ E i = i +1 A / E

i +1, ie each study subject is equally likely, all the chances are equally divided.

The first step to develop must be the establishment of the "norm" or reference standard, expression levels of life that a society considers to be unacceptable at some point in its evolution, to then go on to describe the gap between the ideal pattern and the situation observed empirically.

How to establish such a standard or benchmark?, As Sen says "To reach an agreed range for social assessment (eg, in social studies on the poverty) must be some kind of 'constructionThat are transparent enough to be able to provide inputs for policy discussion. This far from a methodological weakness is one of the strengths of the proposal presented here. The definition of "fair" is always a product conceptually social, is in the plural debate where we can get closer to its definition. Again turn to Sen: "The opening to critical scrutiny, combined with public consent, explicit or tacit-is a central requirement of the ratings are not arbitrary in a democratic society" (Sen, 2001)


provide elements for developing a human development policy for social integration, is the fourth conceptual axis over which aims to develop the methodological approach presented here. Submit to debate aspirations, possibilities and achievements of human groups present in Venezuela in the search for compromises on equity possible in the Venezuelan society is the reason for the report.


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Chiappero Martinetti, Enrica; A multidimensional asserment of well-being based on Sen's Functioning Approach, Working Paper of the Società Italiana di Economia Pubblica, Pavia , 2000.

Coulter, Philip, Inequality Measures and entropy in:   Philip B. Coulter \u0026lt;>

D'elia, Yolanda, equity and human development Working Paper, Caracas, 2003

Duclos, Jean, Poverty and Equity: Measurement, Policy and Estimation, Laval, Canada Oct-2002

Cnomic, Fondo de Cultura Economica, Maxico, 2001.

Sen, Amartya, Inequality Re-examination, Alianza, Madrid, 1995.

Touraine, Alain, Can we live together?, Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico, 1997