ould you have been?
- Something related to sports.
6. To reject a premium for winning, is it honest or stupid?
- If it is to win, it is foolish to reject it.
7. What is your favourite song or band?
- Juanes.
8. What is your favourite song?
- Juanes'
9. Who are your favourite actor and actress?
- Denzel Washington and Nicole Kidman.
10. What is the one film you've seen a lot and how many times?
- Gladiator. A bunch of times.
11. The best book you've read?
- The one of Maradona.
12. How much does a box of six condoms cost?
- I do not know.
13. Hamburger with pickles or Without?
- Without.
14. Your best friend in the world of football?
- I Have Many, I do not want to forget Anyone.
15. What is your favorite television program?
- Los Serrano.
16. What is your favorite food?
- The lettuce with mushroom sauce That Makes my Mum.
17. A city.
- Las Palmas.
18. When WAS the last time you cried?
- It's Been a year. When my I lost a friend.
CHTML26. In advance: would you forgive a cheating partner?
- No.
27. How do you kill time at training camp?
- Playing cards.
28. What's your opinion on the death penalty?
- I could be in favour of it in some cases and in others, I could be against it.
29. In football, what have you gotten better at in these past years?
- I think I've matured.
30. What have you learned from your parents?
- To be humble and to work hard.
31. Charity or solidarity?
- Both.
32. What has been the last extravagance you've permited yourself?
- I'm Not one for extravagance, if I like Something I buy it.
33. What does a footballer do in the afternoon?
- In my case, it's rest and study Some courses.
34. When did you last get drunk?
- The Day We Celebrate Our classification for the UEFA.
35. Have you ever entirely to sex shop?
- No.
36. Finish the phrase: I know I get in a huff when to ...
- They wake me up.
37. Something Have you ever stolen from the mini-bar of a hotel?
- Another bottle of water.
38. All illegal Immigrants Should Be Legalized?
- It Seems just for all Those Who eats herand to work.
39. Who are your idols?
- Laudrup.
40. What There is too much of in English football?
- Violence.
41. Do you sleep with socks?
- No.
42. Which performer do you like best: Camel or Javi Cantero?
- Neither one of the two.
43. Do you have any mannerisms Before you leave the camp?
- Even If It Seems strange, I like to enter the field with the left foot.
44. Usually Where do you go for vacations?
- In my town, Arguineguin.
45. Make a wish out loud ...
- To Reach the first team of the Spa