Friday, February 1, 2008

1996 Dutchman Travel Trailer For Sale A native of Equality to the diverse society.

(Previously published in the anniversary edition of the journal SIC and in the newspaper El Nacional in three installments)
of the original Equal a Diverse Society.

The complex agenda of socialism in the XXI century

José Luis Fernández-Shaw.

The end of the twentieth century in Venezuela is not only the end of a chronological period, also marks a turning point and changEU aims to be an heir of socialist thought of earlier centuries. Therefore not intended to be a theoretical essay on socialist thought, instead attempting to stand halfway between the problems of the dynamics of social structure and conduct the same factual.

Politics always runs between the claims of the social and societal possibilities of realization of these projects. All

society inhabits a particular space and time, ie has a "social biography states" where tensions socix

historic moment marks the emergence of "true consciousness" more modest we would claim that it is only free of external determinations that human beings may be considered the right to identity.

The concept of equality implies inter alia that all have the same right to exist, all must be equal to qualify for the development of who we really are. must be guaranteed the right to everyone equally so that we can really protect human diversity.



This is an aspect that often they forget to liberal economists for the simplicity of the models used, the free flow of people in the labor force is only a figment of manual. In reality there are no such persons without identity, interchangeable between them and other activities, there are fishermen, farmers, painters, weavers, and many others whose identity is defined inter alia by the activity they perform, which will not stop make, despite the "diseconomies" that may exist. Incidentally, the colorful existence of human diversity also tends to go unnoticed from the offices of national planning. CHT ommunities power structures, probably less extensive in power, but surely much more intense in terms of ability to control

. Phenomena such as abuse of power, sexism, homophobia, and many other manifestations are present in all communities nationwide.

rights include global and local realities that are shaping the real life of people is a dynamic to which attention must case Otherwise people power can end up kidnapped by groups able to bring much more intensely to people.

A socialist proposal should therefore ensure the unrestricted right to defend pluralism and unconditionally to the aspiration of the human person to find a meaningful existence.

One last idea should be outlined in the political power has always a tension between what I have called the "Content

project", ie the characteristics of the society desired by the various political actors and the "Process Instrumentation

" it. In the first of the ca"Even with equal pay, as demanded by Proudhon does nothing to transform the current working relationship with his work on the relationship of all men to work. The company is understood then as an abstract capitalist. "

(Carlos Marx. 1844 Philosophical Manuscripts economic )


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