Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Famous Players Kitchener

ialismo "," XXI century socialism, "Socialism in Latin America", "new socialism" etc. Which of course have a shared territory in Venezuela with what we call "Chavismo", but goes beyond it, becoming a part of wider social thought. Socialism is not reducible to Chavez, and Chavez is not all socialism. Therefore comprises theoretical and methodological aspects but also some political reflections.
can not speak of socialism without reference to Marx. In this sense there will be references in exposure to the thinking of Marx, we refer here mainly to Marx rather than the political scientist, not necessarily mesh with what the common people understandhalf "or extreme simplification of reality is ethically irresponsible and reprehensible humanely.
Body (10 minutes) -

Where can we place the notion of equality in the thinking of Marx, in Marxist thought and socialist thought?
- The Problem of Marx is not equality. In the center of his analysis is exploitation. The notion of Marx's surplus value is nothing more than an attempt to demonstrate that the process of capitalist production is structurally "Unequal" is someone who takes over "what is rightfully yours"
- Remove the notion of Marx's Capital Gains , as formulated originally. Todayexploitation is not explained by the theory of value. Long discussion in which you can find references to Rosa Luxemburg. I will not enter into the discussion but show evidence that the source of power asymmetries and therefore their exploitation is multidetermined in modern society. Therefore we must seek the source of the asymmetries of power. Private property and not punctured as the only source of domination.
- is a naive idea that if we are equal there is no exploitation. And societies where there were all the same. Why he died called "primitive communism"?. If we are consistent with Marxist thinking, we must admit that there were elements in the structure of those societies which led to its disappearance. It's a metaphor too easy, simplistic attempt to resolve the issue of exploitation by "egalitarian utopia" Is that all are equal? Do all we can be equal?
"Even with equal pay, as demanded by Proudhon does nothing to transform the current working relationship with his work on the relationship of all men to work. The company is understood then as an abstract capitalist. The salary is an immediate consequence of alienated labor and alienated labor is the immediate cause of private property. With the disappearance of a term must also, therefore, negates the other. "

(Carlos Marx. Philosophical economic Manuscripts 1844)

Even Marx himselfdoes not raise the "Equality" as a means desirable in the future communist society, perhaps the most famous formulation of this is the "From each according to his ability to each according to his need." The bottom line is that an equitable society with no absolute equality. A society of equals in all areas would be an unjust society as or more than today.
- is naive for example, the vision is "community" as a space of power or domination. In the community, establish relationships of power and domination, a domination that might be less extensive, but certainly more intense. Is that sexism is not a form of domination? Is that homophobia is not a source of domination? Is that in our communitiesEVIEW inequality, Alianza, Madrid, 1995. P. 32).
When proposing as a policy objective to achieve "equality" that we're talking "

- There is a belief, probably correct that the" equality "at the political level should be produced as a result of the implementation of processes allowed to go "correct" the "inequalities" historic. A good example is the struggle of women. The civil rights movement in USA is probably another illustration of this. -

- References to the historical process Venezuelan (Voltage-Processing Project)
Explain the "onion" and give examples.

A mCompletion period (3 minutes) -

- socialism and pluralism: from the concept of alienated labor (economic Philosophical Manuscripts).
"The productive life itself, appears to man only as a means to satisfy a need, the need to maintain physical existence. Productive life is, however, species-life. It is life that creates life. In the form of vital activity lies the nature of a given species, its generic character, and free activity, conscious, is the generic nature of man. Life itself appears only as a way of life. "

(Carlos Marx. Economic Philosophical Manuscripts 1844)
- Theme of Identity, of escogéncia the kind of life that allows the execution. The wage equality as either public companies that are "social" property name and the state apparatus or be deprived of a large bureaucracy private coorporativa only feeds the alienation and exploitation. The asymmetry of power is evident. - (Insert quote) pointing in the direction of the plurality (diversity), tying with Amartya Sen.
is where two different versions emerged in the origins of industrial society transforms into nightmares. Both the vision of "equality" of Soviet socialism, (equal in both subject to the domination of the state apparatus (which hijacks the concept of society), as the version of the societiesa democratic way and after 8 years and numerous elections remains, care for the democratic character of this process is a task that should engage the entire Venezuelan society.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Dentist Welcoming Letters

This Video Amartya Sen explains in a simple way what is the process that leads to the construction of the index of Human Development and the role of Human Development Reports.

Although the basics is a good Video as Introduction to reflection on what it must mean the notion of human development. Besides giving the opportunity to hear from the mouth of one of the creators.

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Ohio Licence Renewal Price File. Discussion SOCIOLOQUIO. Interview Prof. Blas Regnault

Aniza around shortened term goals.

"If the opposition continues with this strategy could be strengthened around the unifying goals, such as constitutional reform. Foulbrood should be seen is whether all the political forces that are ladisidencia would agree on the kind of reform that will ask" he explains.

admit their own mistakes

Stelling clear that the struggle between government and opposition hafinalizado because the elections were another step in a granbatalla. "When you're facing a contender, are intentaeliminarlo with everything you have on hand. Elchavismo Among the things at hand is that memory of the oil strike and business," he recalls.

sociologist believes that perhapsto the opposition capitalized elrepliegue direct contact with citizens. For Stelling, the opposition must face greater challenges to deloficialismo to address the new political era. "The government to menosestá clear that his project is called" Socialism of the XXI Century '. The opposition, not sure what the draft quequiere society, because there are many differences inside, "he explains. Regnault believes it has done great damage to the opposition withthe radicalization of political positions and that this sector has sidopromovido by both the governing and the oposicióninteresados in deep social ruptures. Remember that "the Venezuelan 2002los were minutes from a civil war lapolarización".
sociologist attributed criticism from some political players dela dissent questioned the admission of defeat by Derosal and his command of the existence of an industry that believes that debehaber an" enlightened democracy. "The only way wing opposition unite excluding extreme positions, "he added.

Stelling says so far the government dissent haloGreen cohere to face electoral aChávez circumstantially, but not necessarily built around a leader, unproyecto country or an ideology .

"I think there is another side project and that the model is mounted políticasobre which the opposition is more media than action street," said Reg

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Humorous Wedding Invitation Sayings The political dynamics in Venezuela. Social equity and draft country, movements tectonic

LXC the discussion in SOCIOLOQUIO


Calisthenics PART. Analysis
The Beginnings of Democracy in Venezuela

Rómulo Gallegos poster for the election of the president of Venezuela

THE ANALYSIS a tool of

"Denial of the most basic tenets of historical materialism is import to different realities of European industry, which for that was actually written by Marx. If our reality is different, must be differentr our tactical control. Otherwise would not set foot on land, walk the nebulae. And for that region must walk lunatics, not men with a sense of reality. (1). (Betancourt, Red Book, Page 140-141)

"... We are too realistic to import the Marxist socialism to the same criteria of the grandparents of the year 10, when transplanted Jacobin constitution without first adapting them to our reality, different from European. (Betancourt, quoted in Sosa and Legrand, pag. 281) "But this work of adaptation of Marxist socialism really means to our study, work, work own analysis and research; work inaccessible to those most Lenins tropical wordy and perAryans, votes for women and illiterate. These were the slogans that we took to the streets. Very simple, but managed to attract people. Direct election meant to create democracy. The synthesis, the pinnacle of our thesis, was the democratization of Venezuela. The government argument was miserable that it was pointless to vote an illiterate people, unaware and unprepared, who first had to educate him. We replied: Why do you call the illiterate to be a soldier, to defend the sovereignty of the country, and not called to build the country? same with economic theory: they say that you must first create wealth and then distribute it, but on the basis of poverty and hunger of those who do not have. Democracy coProscribed Emori, 2006)

I can read both words Betancout, as in the interpretation now makes Carlos Andres Perez histótrico that period, some key features from the bridge of view of education policy for Today's Venezuela.
AD as an organization born from the Anti-Power, part of an analysis of existing social forces, characterizing the dominant forces and by the response of the hegemonic project at that time from the pretense of social forces remaining nuclear ( Do you speak?-optic Marxist-led "?-optic prevailing hegemonic project" Not? "according to the prevailing current jargon), under a pyroyecdict to be political in content slogans .... Democratic Expansion of participation.

Which can be read between the lines means not only a democratization of the political sphere but a democratization of the economic and social sphere. I think it's clearly a Nationalist Democratic proposal. Expansion of the participation of inclusion. Emphasis on the PROCESS.

What we face?. What is the adversary of the nascent AD? I think the modernizing project driven by the elites.

"No one can argue, moreover, that even after having disappeared from the continent, the last American soldier realisticDemocratic Caesarism. P. 229-230)

This formulation Dr. Vallenilla Lanz is maintained and is the central core of the argument in the post Gomes, particularly in the formulations of Dr. Uslar Pietri. (Materials and analysis pending)

The comparison of these two positions, without going further in describing the sstancia or content of specific projects rather well fig-Voltage Project process located at the corporate policies (strategic) of our scheme. (View original illustration. Onion policy)