Aniza around shortened term goals.
"If the opposition continues with this strategy could be strengthened around the unifying goals, such as constitutional reform. Foulbrood should be seen is whether all the political forces that are ladisidencia would agree on the kind of reform that will ask" he explains.
admit their own mistakes
Stelling clear that the struggle between government and opposition hafinalizado because the elections were another step in a granbatalla. "When you're facing a contender, are intentaeliminarlo with everything you have on hand. Elchavismo Among the things at hand is that memory of the oil strike and business," he recalls.
sociologist believes that perhapsto the opposition capitalized elrepliegue direct contact with citizens. For Stelling, the opposition must face greater challenges to deloficialismo to address the new political era. "The government to menosestá clear that his project is called" Socialism of the XXI Century '. The opposition, not sure what the draft quequiere society, because there are many differences inside, "he explains. Regnault believes it has done great damage to the opposition withthe radicalization of political positions and that this sector has sidopromovido by both the governing and the oposicióninteresados in deep social ruptures. Remember that "the Venezuelan 2002los were minutes from a civil war lapolarización".
sociologist attributed criticism from some political players dela dissent questioned the admission of defeat by Derosal and his command of the existence of an industry that believes that debehaber an" enlightened democracy. "The only way wing opposition unite excluding extreme positions, "he added.
Stelling says so far the government dissent haloGreen cohere to face electoral aChávez circumstantially, but not necessarily built around a leader, unproyecto country or an ideology .
"I think there is another side project and that the model is mounted políticasobre which the opposition is more media than action street," said Reg
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