remember once seeing a lot of emotion Ginger (nick) the teacher said "if a plane goes from Caracs, Venezuela to Washingtong, how do you think it may be?" It was like OMG! WE ARE NOT LOST ON THE MAP!
done as more than a year in X men discovered the existence of a mutant Venezuelan Windance and his alter ego is his real name is Sofia Mantega
and this is how we know that she is Venezuelan Sofia's mother stood in the protests on April 11, 2002 when she was killed by a shot...
Another fact that struck me and which I discovered less than an hour thanks to a friend, was removed from Cristalab Blog is the fact that a part of the Black Lagoon manga make mention of Venezuela, if but sadly no mention us by our beautiful natural landscapes and the warmth of its people we mention the fact of the Bolivarian revolution .. no one ever really thought that this would come that far, but it's so ... we highlight the Because we are a country which is divided, which is completely full of anger and pain, in which about who has more than the other in terms of number of people, who will preserve his position, who guy wants out ... It's depressing! that while countries cA s mentioned by Mexico's rich traditions and us 3 little things, first, Drug Dealers (this earns us Colombia), the second soap operas are endless and tedious (what the hell that matters to me and raise Dulcinea please be a poor child of God whose parents left in this street) but I must admit that parts like these poor black street s which take a novel for my XD, and the third and most importantly OUR FUCKING POLITICAL SITUATION!
I leave the pictures of the manga, and NO, NO ASSEMBLY!
Everyone knows our situation of poverty and division, no one is blind anthey are about Rowdy! which are mired in poverty and filth, do not take into account that Venezuela was the inventor of the diamond tip scalpel not the Angel Falls waterfall is the highest natural world, taking into account Chavez and now ...
and you already vote?
in older hands XD is my future, for themselves and their future children ...
the article did not quite fit?
did lament the horrors XD furiously # comment-2802 \u0026lt;- --- source, sorry no hyperlink
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