Monday, July 26, 2010

Fallen Bladder More Condition_symptoms.

lso cyber attack as an excuse to take control of the network. In this sense we enter a little into the realm of speculation, reading intentions, on the one hand the journalist Alex Jones objects to is being censored by Google and Facebook, and this could be part of their counter-propaganda, and also It is true that there is a desire expressed as a political campaign between several important members of the U.S. policy of regulating the Internet and limit their freedoms.

"In May

a report in The Telegraph , former counterterrorism advisor to the White House, Richard Clarke, said that sovereigntyto the United States was at risk and in 15 minutes a quasar could cibertaque a massive blackout and almost take the country.

- A few months ago there was a simulation of a cyberattack on CNN

showing that the U.S. is not prepared for an attack of this nature.

"Last year, Senator John Rockefeller introduced the Cybersecurity Act, dicendo on TV:" Would not it have been better if we would never have invented the Internet? The record of Rockefeller would give the president the power to "declare an emergency of cybersecurity"rmation is alive and can alter your molecular structure. That is the spirit of the internet that is worth protecting, be our own programmers and consume the code we want.

Furthermore BurstNet U.S. computer company, which gave the Web hosting service platform, ended the contract because he had allegedly published site "A link to terrorist material and a list of potential victims of Al Qaeda, reported the Venezuelan News Agency.

... Read on, bringing you


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