The more we study the mental control, the more you come to the conclusion that there is a script
coordinated has been in effect for a long time in order to convert the human race non-thinking automatons. For as long as man has power over the masses Pursued, mind control has-been orchestrated by Those Who Study Human Behavior in order to
Large Populations bend to the will of a small "elite" group. During the time that men have exercised power over the masses mind control has been orchestrated by those who study human behavior
to dobthe world.
mind control is
control of the modern mind is both technological and psychological. Tests show
That Simply by Exposing the Methods of mind control, the effects Can Be Reduced or Eliminated, at least for mind control
advertising and propaganda. Tests show that only by exposing the mind control methods, the effects can be reduced or eliminated, at least for advertising mental control and propaganda.
More Difficult to counter intrusions Are the physical s, which the military-Industrial complex Continues to Develop and Improve upon. More difficult to counter intrusions are physical, the military-industrial complex
continues to develop and improve.
Education - This Is The Most Obvious, yet still
Remains The Most insidious. Education - This is the most obvious, however, remains the most insidious. It 've Always Been a would-be dictator's ultimate fantasy to "Educate" Children naturally impressionable,
Thus it has-been a central component to Communist and Fascist Tyrannand That Was Designed Primarily to target people's self-image (or Lack Thereof) in order to want to turn Into a need. 2. Advertising and Propaganda - Edward Bernays has been cited as the inventor of the consumer culture that was primarily designed to guide the self-image (or
lack of it) to convert a desire a necessity. This WAS INITIALLY envision for products Such as cigarettes, for example. This was originally designed for products such as cigarettes, for example
However, Bernays Also Noted In His 1928 book, Propaganda
However, Bernays also noted in his 1928 book, Propaganda
CHTMLXna Completely Different Light. For a detailed breakdown of specific examples, Vigilante
Citizen is a great resource that will probably see the "entertainment" in a completely different light.
4. Sports, Politics, Religion - Some Might take Offense at seeing
religion, politics or events, put Alongside sports as a method of mind control. 4 -. Sports, Politics, Religion & Some mayscendente. is Strictly Political Discourse in a left-right paradigm of Easily controlled opposition, while religion is the backdrop of Nearly Every war THROUGHOUT history. Political discourse is strictly on a paradigm from left to right of the opposition easily controlled, while religion is the backdrop for almost all wars throughout history .
5. 5. Food, Water, and Air - Additives, toxins, and food Other
literally poisons alter brain chemistry to create docilityand apathy. Food, water and air - toxins additives, food and other poisons
literally alter brain chemistry to create the docility and apathy. Fluoride in drinking water has-been proven to lower IQ
, aspartame and excitotoxins MSG Are
Which excite brain cells die Until They, and easy access to the fast food contains These poisons Generally That has created a Population That Lacks focus and motivation for Any type of active lifestyle. Fluoride in drinking water has shown that
Their human potential. One of the major arms control agenda of the modern mind is
psychiatry, which is to define all the people for their problems, compared with their human potential.
foreshadow in This Was Such books as Brave New World
This was foreshadowed in books like Brave New World
. .
Today, it has-been taken to extremes weitere events as a medical
tyranny has taken hold WHERE Nearly everyone has some sort of disorder - Particularly Those Who Question Authority. Today has been extreme even m &alpha brain is altered, producing a kind of hypnosis - which does not bode well for the final revelation that the lights can transmit coded data
Internet "by blinking faster than the eye can see. " computer flash rate is less, but through video games, social networks, and a basic structure that overloads the brain with the information and the speed of modern communication induces a state ADHD.
A study of video games play extended Revealed That dog result in lower blood flow to the brain, sapping emotional
control. A study of the jThat the XC so social scientists and the dictatorial elite control the masses and dog Protect Themselves from the fallout of a Fully awake free Humanity. A concerted effort is underway
to manage and predict human behavior so that social scientists and the dictatorial elite can control the masses and protected from the consequences of a humanity free fully awake. Only by waking up to
Their Attempts to put us to sleep do we stand a chance of Preserving our free will. Only to awaken to their attempts to get to sleep we have an opportunity to preserve our free
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